Geschichte 2
Eine weitere schöne Geschichte
You now have the solid foundation you need to create additional menus for your theme and resources to help you go further. Whether you code it yourself, use a plugin or add one in Upfront, you now have a new menu on your WordPress site.
If you run into troubles using Upfront, go ahead and ask our support heroes. They can give you expert advice and support to help solve just about any problem. You can open a ticket in our support forum and we’ll be right along to help you.
For more information on how to style your new theme, there are many resources you can check out and you can find them all in our post A Mega Guide to Learning and Referencing CSS for WordPress: 150+ Resources.
You can also check out some of our other posts 10 Simple Tips for Learning CSS for WordPress, 25 Expert Tips for Cleaner CSS Coding for WordPress, 25 Pro Tips for Improving Your CSS Workflow and 5 Free CSS Plugins for Live Editing Your WordPress Site for more details on coding some CSS for your theme.